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Child Custody

What if a co-parent won’t let someone see their children?

In Iowa, once parents separate or divorce, shared custody is often the result. Family law judges may craft a custody order splitting both parenting time and authority between the two adults in a family if co-parents can’t reach mutually-agreeable terms without...

Could your family benefit from virtual visitation?

Virtual visitation offers several benefits for children, enabling them to maintain a connection with each of their parents, regardless of where they are residing at any given moment. If you haven’t yet integrated virtual visitation terms into your parenting plan, you...

The difference between parallel parenting and co-parenting

As divorcing parents, being realistic about your ability to work together is crucial to forming a workable custody plan. What most people set out to do is co-parent, but in some cases, this is unrealistic, and parallel parenting is more likely to succeed. So how do...

4 mistakes to avoid in a child custody case

Child custody is a crucial matter for divorcing parents. Each parent wants to protect their rights. Nonetheless, you should consider your child's best interest to make informed decisions in this battle. Additionally, you need to know the actions that can work to your...

Does shared custody limit your right to move to a new home?

It is standard practice for parents in Iowa to share custody when they divorce or separate. Those shared custody obligations place limitations on your life that you would not have otherwise. For example, how you plan your daily schedule must align with your custody...

How to talk to your child about your custody agreement

When you get a divorce, you’ll have to make a lot of big changes in your life. Besides the obvious that you’ll live off of one income going forward, you may also need to move and you may have fewer assets. However, one of the biggest changes in your life may be how...

Is it time for your custody order to be modified? 

You and your former spouse came to the realization that the marriage was just never going to work out. While divorce wasn’t ideal, it was the best thing for your family.  Thankfully, you were able to conduct constructive negotiations with your former spouse and the...

How are child custody cases decided?

As a parent, your top priority is the security and happiness of your children. The same can be said for your spouse, although you do not always agree on how to implement this in practice. You’re getting a divorce, and it’s time to settle matters regarding child...

Planning for your first Halloween as co-parents

It may always seem like the Halloween candy and decorations are out too soon in the stores. However, if this will be your child’s first Halloween since your separation or divorce, you may feel especially unprepared to think about it. While Halloween may not have been...

Is split custody appropriate in your divorce?

You are certain that you and your spouse will be divorcing, as your relationship is just no longer sustainable for either of you. But with several children involved, custody matters remain unresolved. Every option you consider has some negative consequences that...

