Offering Free in- Person or Virtual Consultations

Douglass S. Marberry


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Outside of the office I love to spend time interacting with my grandchildren, working around my acreage, boating, skiing and traveling. Summary: I have practiced law for over thirty years and based on my experiences both inside and outside the courtroom, I have become a strong advocate of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). I believe that when parents can place their personal differences aside and focus on shaping the future of any children that may be involved, the children win and hence so do the parents. In ADR, the parties are afforded the opportunity to go hands on and collectively and collaboratively come up with a resolution that they both feel is just and equitable under the circumstances. The alternative is litigation which, among other things, is costly and takes an emotional and financial toll on the parties involved and potentially any children that may be affected. Furthermore, a complete stranger decides the fate of any children that are involved, as well as, their respective parents. Once the trial concludes, the Judge and attorneys absent themselves from the case and the parties are left to pick up the pieces and move forward. This can be very problematic after litigation which by its very nature, puts the parties at odds with one another. Although the collaborative approach might not be appropriate in all cases, those in which it is tend to lead to agreements that stand the test of time.

Graduated from the University of Iowa in 1976 and Drake University Law School in 1988; among other things, I served in the military for eight years between graduating from Iowa and Drake. I was hand selected to be part of a small group of individuals to participate in the Polk County Pilot Mediation Program in April of 1996 and have been actively involved in mediation since that time. In 2004 I was one of thirteen individuals who were trained in collaborative law to establish a local practice group. I have also undergone basic and advanced training/certification in parenting coordination.

Founding member of the Jack D. Levine Family Law American Inns of Court, as well as serving as a master attorney & chair of the membership committee.


  • Drake University Law School, Des Moines, Iowa
    • J.D. - 1988
  • Advanced Training in Collaborative Law
  • University of Iowa
    • 1976

Classes & Seminars

Pro-Bono Activities

Representative Clients


Past Positions


Ancillary Businesses

Published Works

Fraternities or Sororities

Professional Associations

  • Iowa State Bar Association
  • Iowa State Bar Association Family Law Section Member
  • Iowa State Bar Association Alternative Dispute Resolution Section Member
  • American Bar Association
  • American Bar Association Family Law Section Member
  • American Bar Association Alternative Dispute Resolution Section Member
  • Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
  • International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
  • Iowa Board of Certification
  • Founding member of the Jack D. Levine Family Law American Inns of Court

Certified Legal Specialties

Practice Areas

  • Divorce
  • Contested and Uncontested Dissolutions
  • Child Custody and Support
  • Property Division and Alimony
  • Mediations
  • Custody
  • All disputes

Bar Admissions

  • Iowa, 1990


Representative Cases