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Strong Representation For OWI/DUI Cases

Many drivers who face criminal charges for drunk driving are good people who have made a mistake — or who were completely sober at the time of the traffic stop. Unfortunately, a conviction can have serious penalties.

If you face charges of operating while intoxicated (OWI), you can take advantage of your day in court. A criminal defense lawyer at Marberry Law Firm, P.C., is ready to represent you. We have extensive trial and criminal defense experience that we can use to protect your rights.

3 Misconceptions About OWI Laws

Drivers should fully understand their rights and obligations during a traffic stop. Knowing your rights will allow you to assert them to protect your privacy and driving privileges.

Common misconceptions about drunk and drugged driving cases in Iowa include:

  1. A chemical test automatically leads to a conviction: Breath tests and blood tests are not always reliable, and law enforcement might not always follow the right procedures.
  2. Drugged driving only applies to illegal drugs: Certain prescription medications can affect your ability to drive safely and can, therefore, lead to OWI charges.
  3. Police cannot make you submit to a chemical test: You have the right to refuse a chemical test, although you would face consequences for doing so. In limited circumstances, however, law enforcement may securely administer a blood test with or without a warrant.

Our attorneys can advise you as early as at the time of the traffic stop. Regardless of where your case is in the criminal justice process, we are ready to stand up in your defense.

We Can Fight OWI Charges For You

Even if you have never had a brush with the law before, you might still face significant jail time. A first-offense OWI can include punishment of anywhere between two days to a full year in jail — plus fines and license revocation. The penalties become more severe with each repeat offense.

We understand that an OWI case can negatively affect your career, your driving privileges and your freedom. Our experienced trial lawyers know how to challenge the evidence against you.

Begin Your Defense Today

Do not wait to ensure that your rights are protected. We can represent you from the start of your case through the end. Call 515-989-6794 or email our Urbandale office for a free consultation.