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Work Toward Your Best Possible Outcome In A Divorce

Divorce has a reputation for being a complicated, challenging process for everyone involved. A collaborative divorce is an option for couples who are committed to resolving issues together to reach a consensus. Through this method, you can minimize the stress and expense associated with traditional forms of dispute resolution.

Here at Marberry Law Firm, P.C., we can help you work with your spouse to collaborate on a divorce that secures acceptable terms. Since 1990, we have used a variety of strategies to resolve complex family law matters for residents in Urbandale and the neighboring communities. Whether you choose to pursue collaborative divorce or another form of conflict resolution, we are qualified to represent you.

What A Collaborative Divorce Can Offer You

Litigating divorce disputes can be time-consuming and expensive. Engaging in a collaborative divorce may help you find a solution in less time, saving you money.

The key features of collaborative divorce are:

  • Both parties sign a “no court” agreement
  • Each party is represented by a collaborative attorney and other professionals may be included
  • Spouses and attorneys negotiate together

If your case involves complicated legal or financial issues, this collaborative approach may work better than mediation because you can rely on a lawyer to support your best interests. In addition, if there is a power imbalance in your relationship, having an attorney at your side speaking on your behalf may be comforting. In a collaborative divorce, the two attorneys lead the process.

As with a legal matter, it is critical to choose an experienced attorney to advocate for you.

Contact Us To Learn More

Divorce and other family law issues have the potential to turn into a petty, drawn-out legal process. Thankfully, you have the power to keep that from happening. Learn how we can help you keep things as friendly as possible while helping you achieve a mutually-acceptable outcome.

If you are ready to pursue a civil divorce, we are ready to take the first step with you. Email us here or call us at 515-989-6794 to schedule your initial consultation with a compassionate lawyer today.