You and your former spouse came to the realization that the marriage was just never going to work out. While divorce wasn’t ideal, it was the best thing for your family.
Thankfully, you were able to conduct constructive negotiations with your former spouse and the divorce was settled equitably and efficiently. A child custody order was signed off on and it met the best interests of your child.
The trouble is that children grow up quickly, and their best interests don’t remain static. Is it time for your custody order to be modified?
What does your child need?
During the divorce, your child was still very young and they needed a lot of hands-on care. Now, they are beginning to gain their own independence and build friendships, attend out-of-school clubs and more. Unfortunately, your current custody order is getting in the way of this sometimes.
Custody orders are legally binding, so it’s important that you and your co-parent stick to them. However, the family courts are aware that custody orders also need to be flexible. They will consider making adjustments if the current order does not adequately meet the needs of the child.
Is there an opportunity that is too good to turn down?
Your ex has been offered the job of a lifetime. It would mean that they could provide more financial support to your child, and they would no longer have to worry about raising college funds or other financial issues. The downside is that this job offer involves moving out of state. This makes the current custody arrangement unworkable.
The family court may consider making a modification if one parenting relocating would benefit the child in the long run. If your co-parent won’t agree to the move, the court may have to decide.
There are conditions when a custody order can be modified. If your current arrangement is not working out, be sure to seek some legal guidance when assessing your options.