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Month: July 2020

What are some tips for running a business with my former spouse?

If you own a business and get a divorce, you will some tough decisions to make about what to do with the business and how to properly divide it since it is an asset. One option is to continue operating it with your former spouse as a partner. While many couples do not...

Underage drinking and driving carries heavy penalties in Iowa

Regardless of their age, driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs can have devastating consequences. For some, these drunken errors can have deadly results — the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration estimates 30 people die every day due to a...

3 times lump-sum alimony may make sense

It is entirely normal to feel some financial trepidation in the lead-up to a divorce. After all, you may have to adjust to living on a single income. Nevertheless, if your ex-spouse has a greater income potential than you do, you may receive alimony.  Also known as...

Can co-parenting apps help divorced parents?

After a divorce, the well-being of your children is a priority. Even in the best-case-scenario and most amicable splits, child custody issues can still be complicated. In the digital age, parents are learning how to use technology to their advantage.  Some use apps...

How to set goals in collaborative divorce?

In a collaborative divorce, it is imperative that you and your spouse work together as much as possible to reach conclusions. If you fail to settle your marriage, you could face losing all the progress you made during the process and having to go to court to settle...

