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How to help children cope with divorce

On Behalf of | May 22, 2020 | Divorce |

Divorces can tear apart the whole family. It is easy for parents to become preoccupied with their own feelings when in the center of a divorce. The problem with this, however, is that sometimes they take time away from the child and forget to address the child’s issues. 

Most children have a difficult time coping with the divorce of two parents. It is important for parents to understand why they have such difficulty and how to help. 

Children are more likely to be afraid 

Parents should never expect children to react to a divorce like an adult. As an adult, you may feel hurt, devastated even but maybe even a little relieved. It is easy to feel like your emotions are more shaken up by this life change. Children, on the other hand, are more likely to feel afraid and confused. This changes the dynamic and their security, explains the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology. One of the biggest mistakes a parent can make is to seek comfort from the child. 

Children need a parent’s guidance 

During a divorce, it is easy for parents to focus on their own feelings. It is crucial, however, according to WebMD that the parent does his or her best to minimize the impact of the divorce. Parents should never confide in the child about adult issues. Likewise, parents should not bad mouth the other parent or discourage contact. Instead, parents should encourage contact with the other, should continue to parent as close to routine as possible and should help the child cope with the divorce. 

