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Understanding why you were charged with OWI

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2020 | Firm News |

Being pulled over by the authorities in Iowa may be enough to have you feeling a little unsettled, but if you are asked to exit your vehicle on suspicion of operating your vehicle while intoxicated, you may be even more anxious. Your ability to stay calm and answer questions with respect and honesty may be able to prevent you from getting into further trouble in the future. 

If you have any thought at all about consuming alcohol at a gathering you plan to attend, it is imperative that you make alternate arrangements for transportation home. Some of the ideas you may consider include asking someone you trust to be a designated driver or to meet you at the location of the event at a specific time. You could also arrange for a ridesharing service to help you out or even consider staying the night wherever you are if circumstances allow. 

When you are caught in a situation where you have consumed alcohol and were caught driving your vehicle, understanding what constitutes a charge of drunken driving may help you to be more confident as you proceed with the legalities that will result. According to, if you are found to have an alcohol concentration in your blood that exceeds the legal limit of .08, authorities have adequate reason to charge you with OWI. Additionally, if there is evidence that you have consumed alcohol or drugs that constitute a controlled substance, you could also be asked to exit your vehicle for tests. 

Your understanding of the OWI laws in your state can serve to your benefit as you negotiate the terms of your charges with the court. For more information, if you are fighting a charge of OWI, visit our web page. 

